[VIDEOS] Why Your Movement Should Oppose Designer Babies – a mini conference
How do social movements’ politics connect to the campaign against designer babies?
On March 9th 2022, Stop Designer Babies, Gen-ethisches Netzwerk (Germany), Alliance for Humane Biotechnology (USA) and GeneEthics (Australia) organised a very successful mini conference with Vandana Shiva, Sarah Boon, Donna Dickenson, Tina Stevens, Claire Robinson, Pete Shanks, Bob Phelps and others. See here
Full event:
Section 1: Basics
– Introduction on CRISPR and Heritable Human Germ line editing: Shrese (SDB)
– Historical and contemporary perspective on Techno-eugenics: Tina Stevens (AHB)
Section 2: social movements against HHGE/eugenics
– Feminist perspective: Donna Dickenson
– Decolonial perspective: Vandana Shiva (Navdanya)
– Disability rights perspective: Sarah Boon (autisticallysarah.com)
– Environmental perspective: Claire Robinson (GMWatch)
Section 3: International perspective
– Critique of the international summits process: Pete Shanks (Centre for Genetics and Society)
– Germany: Taleo Stüwe (Gen-ethisches Netzwerk)
– France: Jérôme Santolini (Sciences citoyennes)
– Australia: Bob Phelps (GeneEthics)